Jason Prime created an article, August 27, 2021 16:48
Currently, only new users aged 18 or older are able to sign up for Mistplay. Prior Mistplayers located in Korea however will have a different experience, but new users are still required to be 18 a...
Jason Prime created an article, August 27, 2021 16:42
In the event of a bug or internal hiccup arising during a vide-selfie facial verification attempt, you may encounter one of the following error messages: To resolve the issue, we recommend restarti...
Jason Prime created an article, August 27, 2021 16:41
The Mistplay system only allows for each player's video-selfie to be associated with a single account. This means that a single person will not be able to verify multiple accounts. If the system de...
Jason Prime created an article, August 27, 2021 16:36
We may, during the redemption process, require that you provide a video-selfie in order to help prevent fraud on our platform. The process occurs as follows: As you redeem your first reward, a pa...
Jason Prime created an article, August 27, 2021 16:31
To ensure that only legitimate users can access Mistplay's services, video-selfie was integrated into the App as one of the primary methods of preventing fraud during reward redemption. You can le...